A bulk upload allows you to send different messages to multiple recipients. The messages and the recipients are defined in a file that is uploaded for processing. A bulk upload differs from a broadcast being that in a broadcast the same message is sent to multiple recipients.
Using bulk upload
Click on the bulk upload tab as shown below:
At the top, a summary of the messages sent is displayed in their current status;
Total messages - This is the total number of messages sent over a given period
Delivered messages - The number of messages that were successfully delivered to recipients
Pending messages - These are messages that have not yet been sent to the recipients
Failed Internally - Sending of the messages failed due to an internal error
Failed externally - The messages were successfully pushed to the carrier but delivery failed at the carriers end
Creating a new bulk upload
On the right section of the page click on New Bulk Upload button, the pop up window below is shown;
Bulk upload form details:
a) Send From - Select the source address that the message will be delivered from. A client can have more than one source address configured.
b) Send now - Send the messages once the bulk file upload is complete
c)Schedule message
- Send time - This is the time the messages will start being sent.
- Expiry time - Once the expiry time is reached no message will be sent from the upload. This is useful in ensuring the messages are only sent during the appropriate time window.
File upload
To process your bulk upload you must create a file with the phone number and message in xlsx format. The format is provided in the sample file that can be downloaded.
Things to consider while uploading the bulk upload file:
a). The phone number must start with the country code e.g. 254XXXXXXX 260XXXXXXX
b). If an invalid phone number is entered the record will be skipped during message sending.
c) You cannot upload the same file twice even after changing the file name. If you have to process the same file again please make a slight modification before trying again, this is to prevent accidental upload of an already processed file.
After selecting the file to upload click on the send button.
Viewing messages sent
A the bottom of the page is a table displaying all the messages sent.
1. You can toggle between displaying messages in a particular status i.e. Sent, Delivered, Pending, Failed
2. The results are then displayed in the table.
3. Use the Filter button to refine the search results
Filter options
Start date - This is the date from which you want the messages to start being displayed
End date - The date which the last message should be displayed
Destination - The recipients phone number
Source - The source address used to send the message
Status - Filter using the status of the messages e.g. Sent, Failed
If an error is encountered during the file upload process reach out to [email protected]