The Quick SMS tab allows you to send a single message to a recipient. The message is sent to one user and can be done through the SMS tool UI or through the API.
Send a message using Quick SMS
Click on the Quick SMS tab as shown below:
At the top, a summary of the messages sent is displayed in their current status;
Total messages - This is the total number of messages sent over a given period
Delivered messages - The number of messages that were successfully delivered to recipients
Pending messages - These are messages that have not yet been sent to the recipients
Failed Internally - Sending of the messages failed due to an internal error
Failed externally - The messages were successfully pushed to the carrier but delivery failed at the carriers end
Sending a new Quick SMS
At the right corner click on the New QuickSMS button. The form below is displayed
Form details:
a) Send From - Select the source address that the message will be delivered from. A client can have more than one source address configured.
b) Send To - Enter the number of the recipient
c) Message - Enter the message to be sent
Confirm the form details are filled correctly then press the send button
Viewing messages sent
A the bottom of the page is a table displaying all the messages sent.
1. You can toggle between displaying messages in a particular status i.e. Sent, Delivered, Pending, Failed
2. The results are then displayed in the table.
3. Use the Filter button to refine the search results
Filter options
Start date - This is the date from which you want the messages to start being displayed
End date - The date which the last message should be displayed
Destination - The recipients phone number
Source - The source address used to send the message
Status - Filter using the status of the messages e.g. Sent, Failed